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Cast iron manhole top D400 70x80 3 Tr

Main technical characteristics

Code: 005172
Description of product: cast iron manhole top D400 700x800
Type: with 3 triangular semi-covers
External encumbrance of frame (mm): 850 x 945 x 100
Internal clear opening (mm): 700 x 800
Lids N°: 3

Other technical characteristics

Manhole tops are constituted by triangular lids provided with:
- hinge, in order to facilitate the opening/closure operation;
- hold of lids on the frame, in 3 points, in order to avoid the noise;
- in addition to the lock with security key, a "safety block" exists applied on the frame, in which, starting from an angle of 90°, the accidental closure of each lid is prevented.


The innovation introduced by ELETTRA.COM on manhole tops is to work always with two opposite sides, free from lids. This make safer and easier the cable laying or recovery operations.

On specific request, we can apply every kind of signature or design of a personalized mark.

Cast iron manhole top D400 70x80

Opening on three sides
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